Building solid lasting relationships in Kingdom ministry
Relationships are built on trust, communication, and respect. Kingdom based relationships are built on both Kingdom assignments and personal fondness. As ministers relate on a personal level there is also the association on a Kingdom level.
How does one strike a balance between the two?
How does one differentiate between the two?
Both relationships are defined differently and uniquely.
While Personal relationships are built on similar likeness, tastes and preferences, Kingdom relationships are built on a Kingdom assignment basis. Some relationships are built on both, others are built on one.
Personal relationships have this in common
Time– some relationships beginning before kingdom assignments and strengthened throughout the years
Personal basis– knowing each other beyond Kingdom assignment
Interests– having the same interests,preferences, and likings
Building boundaries in Kingdom relationships
Boundaries are not to create a barrier or demarcation but to maintain order, protocol, respect, and to protect relationships
As ministers, respect each others assignment. Assignments, gifts, talents and anointings are different. Though diverse each assignment is unique and essential. Do not belittle, disregard or discredit another ministers assignment but rather complement, and exhort each other.
Visiting Ministers
If you are a visiting minister
do not solicit contacts from your hosts members and congregants for personal gain. This also includes building a relationship with them outside your hosts knowledge.
Fulfill your assignment to edify the Kingdom and not to win the approval of the members/ congregants. You are not in competition to outdo the host
Leave when your assignment is over. Extended stay puts pressure on your host, added expenses and demands.
Do not give extra demands but abide by your agreement/contract
Honor the time allocated for ministry, respect the altar and culture of the ministry. Your work is to equip and not to bring down.
Host Minister
As a host minister
Honor your word/ agreement/contract in terms of honorarium, travel, accommodation and preaching sessions
Book your guest minister in a hotel/ private residence. This gives you both privacy and eliminates the spirit of familiarity.
If you have multiple guests do not give preference to one but treat all with great respect and significance
If your guest is accompanied by a spouse, assistant or a team, show them great hospitality.
If a mutual friend introduced you to your guest speaker, honor that relationship with the mutual friend by maintaining it and not letting this new found relationship take over what you had built
© Effective Global Training
Enriched word for the mind and soul as a minister.This has really awakened my inner me in my ministry.Relationships,Attitude and boundaries are so key to the life of a minister.
Keep on keeping on Passy equipping is.
God bless
Most welcome