SEPARATION (When members exit the church)


(When members exit the church)

 There are those that ask to be released and request to leave. 

Order was their exit

There are those that you never knew they were there, and you never knew that they left

Silence was their exit

There are those that just stopped coming, they cut you off or avoided you

Absence was their exit

There are those that complain on their way out because something/someone rubbed them off in the wrong way. They have something to tell the whole world and you find yourself in an exchange of words to justify yourself or clear the name of the church

Loud was their exit

There are those that cannot leave alone. They carry their camp of 2,3,5,10 people, they go and camp somewhere else or begin their own camp.

Division was their exit

Separation is the action or state of moving or being moved apart

Separation is not easy

Separation feels like loss

Separation can be hard

Abraham and Lot reached a place in life where they too had to separate. 

Separation may not be just; but it is what you make out of it

Lot got the best of the land, but Abraham stood the test of time

Separation can make you or break you

Separation can build you or destroy you

Separation can bring growth or hinder progress

What will you allow?

Rose Shiku

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